Friday, April 11, 2008

Tired soul is refreshed by the Spirit...

April has finally came! I have not been blogging as I have been busy with the new routine. I wake up at 5.45pm every morning to prepare and travel back to my in laws place to drop my kids. Then will have to go back fetch them and then proceed home. That means reaching home late and get to bed only at about 12midnight if not later.

Over all this IS VERY TIRING. I have less than 5 hours of sleep everyday. But amazingly after taking my husband's suuggestion to use worship recordings from sunday service, to do worship everyday, I was refreshed by the Spirit. Fatigue did not get the better of me. However, it is always a daily struggle to make a decision to worship but not sleep on the train. But I will press on. Thank God for Your strength everyday.

I wait for the day that my kids all move to their new childcare, which is nearer to my home. I have 19 more days to go. The Lord will sustain me.

Psalms 23:2-3
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.